
Nota Fizik: TIPS Untuk Menjawab Soalan Kertas 3 Fizik



In paper 3, you are required to design an experiment and answer experiment-related questions.

This is to test your analytical, critical and creative thinking skills. This is also to know how well you apply and understand the physics concept you have learnt. In order to answer well in this paper, you must MASTER ALL the experiments learnt in form 4 and 5. (if not at least half – all the important ones)

Time to answer: 1 Hour 30 seconds.

This paper is divided into 2 sections: Section A and Section B.

Answer ALL questions in Section A.

Answer ONE question only in Section B.

So, You are to answer 3 questions in paper 3.


Section A is usually EASIER to answer because the questions only require you to jot down your answer based on the information given. So try to score in this section.

Manipulated variable: This is the variable that you manipulate. Make sure that the variables you choose CAN BE MANIPULATED. If you think it’s hard to manipulate a variable, then probably it is not the answer.

Responding variable: This Variable RESPONDS ACCORDING to the Manipulated variable as the manipulated variable changes this variable also changes. So choose the one that is likely to become one.

Fixed variable: This variable is FIXED THROUGHOUT the experiment. It does not change. There may be more than one fixed variables in an experiment. Choose one that is the most relevant to the experiment.(aka without it the experiment will not be valid).

Graphs: will be explained in Section B

Fill in Data: fill in the data based on the information given with the correct decimal value. The value must be according to the measuring instrument’s sensitivity.


Section B TOTALLY depends on your understanding on a physical concept, principle, or law. SO you must know all the underlying theories based on the stimulus/ picture given. The questions usually will give only a short paragraph, or pictures to assist you in order to give you the basic idea on how to answer.

Remember Section B wants you to design an EXPERIMENT.

Read Questions Carefully, Choose only the one that you are confident with. (It’s better to answer a little bit on something that you REALLY sure and get marks, rather than writing a long answer on a topic you are in DOUBT and lose all marks).

a) Making Inference: You must write based on what you see in the question. See and give the answer. Don’t worry.

b) Making Hypothesis: You must write: as A increases, B increases.

Remember! A must be Always Manipulated variable, B is always responding variable. You must write A (Manipulated variable) first.

c) Outline of an Experiment:

Aim of the experiment: State the problem/situation you want to solve e.g. to show that the period of a swing of pendulum depends on its length.

Variables in the experiment: 3 variables (Manipulated, Responding, Fixed)

Apparatus and Materials: List ALL apparatus and materials required that you FIND in lab. Don’t put nonsense stuffs.

Arrangement of Apparatus: Diagram and labeling. You must draw and label the diagram.

Diagram must have a baseline. (Jangan terawang-awang di udara).
Diagram MUST NOT have frame. NO color tone. As far as possible, only one line.

d) Procedure: write according to steps.

e) Tabulate the data:
Manipulated Variable: Put sensible value.
Responding variable: Leave empty (Don’t put anyting inside) because you are just designing an experiment. You are not doing it, hence there will be no result. Only predicted result.

Example of how to tabulate your data Manipulated Responding
10g (Leave empty)
20g (Leave empty)
30g (Leave empty)

f) When analyzing data: (Particularly in Section A). You must put the value according to the instrument’s sensitivity.
e.g. when measuring using metre rule 12.1cm, micrometer screw gauge, 12.24 mm.

If there is a condition where there are many decimal places to write down, jot down until you see the difference. Like Below:

Wrong (no changes detected) Correct (changes detected and it make sense)
0.001 0.0012
0.001 0.0014
0.001 0.0013
0.001 0.0016

Graphs: Will be explained soon.

Conclusion: State whether hypothesis accepted or not. E.g. Hypothesis accepted, L increases, T increases.

Precaution: what you must do in the experiment to minimize error. e.g temperature must be constant, voltage must be constant etc.


- Manipulated Variable: X axis.
- Responding Variable: Y axis
- Put the correct units in both axis e.g. (P/ Ncm-2 , 1/V / cm-3).
- Axis must have arrows ( )
- For finding gradient, the triangle must be more than 4 cm.
- Scale always put on top right
- must have topic
- You must extrapolate graph (extend it until u find the value on y-axis)
- Cannot use this scale; 1:3, 1:7

In Section A you will be required to analyze a graph in a more detailed approach. (finding gradient, extrapolate and so on)

In section B where you are required to design an experiment, you DO NOT draw the graph, you just have to draw and label the x and y axis according to their corresponding units.

When you are asked to state the relationship of a graph, the answer will always be: either A DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INDIRECTLY/ INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL only- e.g. D is directly proportional with D. It forms the basis for your conclusion.

Sometimes you are required to draw different axis value, it depends on the question. The question may want you to analyze first before plotting an axis value.

So, READ question carefully.

Paper 3 is not that hard as long as you can apply scientific values and concept in yourself, Remember, just be systematic.


1 comment:

  1. erm, klu mase pekse, usually, are they ask for steps of precaution/
    if do, what type of answer that i've to write?

    and, the tubulation data,we didn't need to write the results of experiment? and, just fill in the blanks of manipulated variable?

    other, for procedure, did u have specticular steps that will easier for candidate to answer smoothly, so that they will not spacing out to think for complete the procedure.
