Showing posts with label Nota Fizik SPM Physics Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nota Fizik SPM Physics Notes. Show all posts


What is Physics?

What is Physics? In case you are wondering?

Physics is a branch of science which studies physical and natural phenomena around us.

Examples of natural phenomena are solar eclipse, formation of rainbow, refraction of light, formation of shadow and many more.

Physics mostly answers whys rather than what and it gives scientific, systematic and consistent explanation based on the concepts of physics to all the natural phenomena in the universe.

Physics knowledge will increase as the flow of time; new concepts will replace old concepts if proven to be accurate.

Do take into consideration though, that Physics is intricately connected with Mathematics and its quite impossible to know and apply physics without calculation.

The word physics evolved from ‘physikos’ a Greek word for nature.

There are two main divisions of physics which are:

a. Classical physics: motion and energy, mechanics, force and motion, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism and light.

b. Modern physics: atomic, molecular and electron physics, nuclear physics, relativity, origin of universe, astrophysics.

Topics learnt in form 4 are:

1. Introduction to physics
2. Forces and motion
3. Forces and pressure
4. Heat
5. Light

Topics in form 5 would be:

1. Waves
2. Electricity
3. Electromagnetism
4. Electronics
5. Radioactivity

Several discoveries and contributions based on the knowledge of physics:

1911 –New Zealand-born British physicist Ernest Rutherford (UK, New Zealand), proposed that an atom has a positively charged nucleus called Proton.
1957 –Sputnik I, first satellite to orbit the earth (Soviet Union).
1969 –Man landed on the moon – Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on the moon (US).
1989 –www was launched by British Engineer Tim Berners-Lee and his colleague (UK).
1990 –The Hubble Space Telescope was built and launched into orbit by NASA (US).

Among the important figures in Physics:
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Charles Augustin de Coulomb
Albert Einstein
Stephen William Hawking

Study of Physics

1. As the other branches of science, scientific skills is necessary in the process of undertaking research and analysis in physics.

2. Research or Experiments are done systematically and step by step based on scientific method.

3. Scientific method

Identifying Problem ---- Making Hypothesis -----Planning investigation ------Identifying and controlling variables ----conducting experiment ----collecting data ----recording data----making conclusions---writing reports.

Careers in Physics included (examples)
1. Engineering
2. Computer Science
3. Industry
4. Communication
5. Electronics
6. Medicine – X ray
7. Environmental Science
8. Basic Research


Analysing Momentum

The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and its velocity.

p = m X v

The principles of conservation of liner momentum states that the total linear momentum of a closed system is constant.

The linear momentum before and after a collision is conserved if there is no external force acting on it.

Elastic collision: linear momentum, kinetic energy and total energy are conserved.

Inelastic collision: only linear momentum and total energy are conserved and there is a loss in kinetic energy.

In an EXPLOSION, where two objects move in opposite directions, the total linear momentum before and after the explosion is zero.

The acceleration of a rocket leaving the earth increases because:
a) its mass is decreasing.
b) air resistance is decreasing.
c) gravitational pull is decreasing.

Newton's Three Laws of Motion

Newton's First Law

An object at rest continues its states of rest and a moving object will continue
to move with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.


A body continues to be in the state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line path unless an external force is applied.

Newton's Second Law

The rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the resultant force acting on it and is in the direction of the force.

Newton's Third Law

Every action has an equal and opposite direction.

This is the simplified version of Newton's Three Laws of Motion Explanation. It may give you mark but not full marks.

Nota Fizik: Tips For Answering Paper 1 SPM (taken from a related blog)

Physics Tips For SPM Candidates

STRATEGY TO ANSWER PAPER 1 – Objective questions (1 hour 15 minutes)

1. Paper 1 consists of 50 objective questions. You will have to answer all the 50 questions in this Paper.

2. The time for paper 1 is 1 hour 15 minutes. The average time to answer one question is one and a half minutes.

3. Each objective questions may have 3, 4 or 5 options as follows:
A, B and C
A, B, C, and D
A, B, C, D and E

4. Most of the questions come with 4 options. Questions with 5 options are usually reserved for questions that involve calculations.

5. One way to tackle difficult questions is to eliminate incorrect options one by one until you are left with the best possible option.

6. Many of the questions are related to experiments carried out in the laboratory. Such as, made sure that you know the purpose of every step in the experiments you carried out and make sure that you know the manipulated variable, the responding variable and the fixed variable in a particular experiment.

7. The objective questions in Paper 1 involve all the topics in the physics syllabus. As such you will have to make sure that you understand every topic well enough.

8. Make sure that you know the usual meaning of symbol used in formulae in SPM Physics.

9. Read each questions diligently to make sure that you understand the requirement of that question. If information such as diagrams, graphs, or data is provided, make sure that you make use of them because they are provided with a purpose. Make sure that you know how to interpret the various types of graphs as well as make conclusions from graphs or data provided.

10. Do not take more than one and a half minutes to answer each question. If you are unable to answer a particular question, leave it first. Spending too much time on one difficult question may result in not having enough time to answer other simpler questions. Come back later to that question after you have answered all the other questions.


Understanding Inertia

The inertia of an object is the object's resistance to change its motion or it's state of rest.

An inertia balance is used to determine the mass of an object and it is not affected by the gravitational force.

An object with higher mass has higher inertia.

For example between a BUS and a Motorcycle that moves at the same speed. It is easier to stop the motor because it has lower mass than the bus.

So Remember: Inertia is always connected with mass.


Analysing linear motion

General Definition:

Distance: length between two points in a straight line or length moved through a definite path.

Displacement: Distance moved in a definite direction (vector quantity).

Speed: distance moved per unit time.

Velocity: rate of change in displacement.

Average speed: (total distance/total time)

Average velocity (total displacement/ total time)

Constant velocity: rate of change in displacement is constant (zero acceleration).

Positive acceleration means that the velocity is increasing.

Negative velocity means that the acceleration is negative and the velocity decreases.

Period, T, is the time taken for a complete oscillation. Unit: s-1

Frequency,f, is the number of oscillations made in one second. Unit: Hz

A ticker timer is used to measure a short period of time in linear motion. One dot is the period of time taken between two consecutive dots on a ticker tape. If the frequency used is 50 Hz, the period for one dot is then 0.02 s.

A stroboscope is used to 'freeze' the motion of an oscillation to determine its frequency, where frequency of the oscillation equals frequency of stroboscope.

Frequency of stroboscope = number of slits X frequency of rotation.


Analysing scientific investigation

So you are here probably because you want to get a deeper meaning an concept of scientific investigation.

You should have probably been familiar with the steps involved in scientific investigation i.e. Identifying problem, making hypothesis, generating data etc...

However, what I would like to emphasis in this post is the different types of variable.

You should know that "A variable is a quantity that varies in value". It represents "something" that are involved in a measurement in scientific investigation. Thus, a proper scientific investigation always involve variables and its measurement. A quantity that can be measured is called a physical quantity.

Three types of variables are:

Manipulated variable is a variable that is set or fixed before and experiment is carried out. it is usually plotted on x- axis.

Responding variable is a variable that changes according to and dependent to manipulated variable. it is usually plotted on y-axis.

Fixed variable is fixed and unchanged throughout the experiment.

Now lets see how to make inference and hypothesis?

How to make inference and hypothesis?

Inference: state the relationship between two VISIBLE QUANTITIES in a diagram or picture.

Hypothesis: state the relation ship between two MEASURABLE VARIABLES that can be investigated in a lab.

How to tabulate data?

-the name or the symbols of the variables must be labelled with respective units.
-all measurements must be consistent with the sensitivity of the instruments used.
-all the calculated values must be correct.
-all the values must be consistent to the same number of decimal places.

A graph is considered well-plotted if it contains the following:

- a title to show the two variables and investigation.
- two axes labelled with correct variables and units
- scales must be chosen carefully and graph must occupy more than 50% of the graph paper.
- all the points are correctly drawn.
- the best line is drawn.

Nota Fizik: Understanding Measurements

In Physics and any scientific investigations. Measurement of quantities is very crucial. It is in fact the core of data generation. Measurements can be done by various methods and various instruments. Here, only a few examples are explained.

A micro balance is used to measure minute masses. It is sensitive but not very accurate.

Slide calipers are usually used to measure the internal or external diameter of an object.

A micrometer screw gauge is used to measure the diameter of a wire of the thickness of a thin object.

All measurement must consider this:

Accuracy: Ability of the instrument to measure the true value or close to the true value. The smaller the percentage error, the more accurate the instrument is.

Sensitivity of an instrument is the ability of the instrument to detect any small change in a measurement.

Consistency: ability of the instrument to produce consistent measurement.(the values are near to each other). The lower the relative deviation, the more consistent the measurement is.

Ways to increase accuracy:
- repeat the measurements and get the mean value.
- correcting for zero error.
- avoiding parallax error.
- use magnifying glass to aid in reading.

For example, when asked about how to increase the sensitivity of a mercury thermometer:
-use a bulb with thinner wall.
-use a capillary tube of smaller diameter or bore.

Understanding Scalar and Vector Quantities

Scalar quantities: Quantities that have magnitude only. ( Speed, mass, distance)


For example speed has unit of ms^-1. but it has no direction.

Mass is kg but we don't know the direction.

Distance is 2km but no direction.

Vector quantities: Quantities that have magnitude and direction. (Velocity, Weight, Displacement)


Velocity unit is ms^-1 but we must state the direction that is whether from right to left.

Weight unit is Kg but the direction is towards the gravity pull of the earth.

Displacement is 2km but to the north from the point of reference.


Understanding Derived and Base Quantities

Understanding Derived and Base Quantities

Physical quantities are quantities that can be measured. e.g. Length, Temperature, Speed, Time.

Quantities or qualities that cannot be measured are not physical quantities. e.g. happiness, sadness etc.

Physical quantities can be divided into Base quantitied and Derived quantities.

(i) Physical quantities are quantities that can be measured or can be calculated.
(ii) The base quantities are “building block” quantities from which other quantities are derived from.
(iii) The base quantities and their S.I. units are:

  • Base quantities S.I. units
  • Mass kg
  • Length m
  • Time s
  • Electric current A
  • Thermodynamic
  • temperature K

(iii) Derived quantities are quantities derived (iv) Examples of derived quantities.

  • Derived quantities S.I. units
  • area m2
  • density kg m-3
  • weight N
  • velocity m s-1

Standard Notation: To express very large or very small numbers.
Example; A X 10 n (ten to the power of n), n must be an integer and 1 ≤ A


Here is the simplification of explanation for Work, Energy, Power and Efficiency

Work, Energy, Power and Efficiency 

1. Work is defined as the product of the applied force and the displacement of an object in the direction of the applied force.
2. W = F x S
3. W= work done, F = force applied, S = displacement in the direction of force.
4. SI unit for work = Joule (J), other unit = Nm

5. Work is not done when:
a. The object is stationary aka not moving
b. No force is applied on the object in the direction of displacement.
c. The direction of motion of the object is perpendicular to that of the applied force.
6. When work is done to an object, energy is transferred to the object.

Energy (Energy is the capacity to do work)
1. Energy exists in different forms: kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, sound energy, heat energy, light energy, electrical energy and chemical energy.
2. The unit for energy is Joule (J) – same as work
3. The work done is equal to the amount of energy transferred.
4. Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its motion.
5. Kinetic energy or work done is given by:
a. ½ Mv2

b. M = mass, v = velocity
c. Unit: Joule /

6. Gravitational potential energy is the energy of an object due to its higher position in the gravitational field.
a. E = mgh
b. M = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity, h = height in metre

Conservation of energy
1. The principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can change from one form to another form of energy.
2. Total amount of energy remains the same.
3. When water falls from a dam, its potential energy changes to kinetic energy.
4. When a swing moves from one position to another position, its potential energy changes to kinetic energy alternately.

1. Power is defined as the rate of doing work.

a. Power = (Work / Time)

b. P = power, W = work, T = time

2. SI unit for work is = watt (W).


1. Efficiency of a device is defined as the percentage of the energy input that is transformed into useful energy.

2. Efficiency = (useful Energy output / Energy input ) X 100%

a. Efficiency = (Useful power output / Power input) X 100%

b. Unit is given in percentage.

You must know the importance of maximising the efficiency of device.


Understanding Elasticity

Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape and size when the external force acting on it is removed.

It is due to the strong intermolecular forces between the molecules of the solid.
(you have to be able to explain elasticity in terms of intermolecular forces)

Hooke’s Law States that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the applied force provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded.

Elastic limit of a spring is the maximum force that can be applied to a spring such that the spring will be able to be restored to its original length when the force is removed.

If the elastic limit is exceeded, the length of the spring is longer than the original length even though the force no longer acts on it. It is said to have permanent extension.

Hooke's law Graph
Force Vs Extension

k = force constant of the spring (equal of the gradient of the graph)
x = extension
Force constant is the force that is required to produce one unit of extension of the spring.It is the measure of the stiffness of the spring.

The curve at the end occurs represents the moment before the material breaks.

Factors influencing the elasticity of a spring:

a. Type of spring material
b. diameter of the coil of spring
c. diameter of the wire of spring
d. arrangement of the spring.

Point 1 is the Limit of Proportionality. Point 2 is the Elastic Limit. Point 3 is the Yield Point.

Before the limit of proportionality, the material obeys Hooke’s Law. After it, Force is no longer proportional to extension, and the graph begins to curve.

The Elastic Limit is the point when a material stops behaving elastically, and starts behaving plastically. The area before this point is called the elastic region; after it, the plastic region.

The Yield Point is the point where the material starts to stretch without applying any additional force.
Elastic Potential Energy, U

Elastic potential energy is the energy transferred to the spring when work is done on the spring.

k = force constant
x = spring extension




Dalam Kertas 3, anda diminta untuk design satu eksperimen dan menjawab soalan-soalan berkaitan dengan eksperimen tersebut.

Ini adalah untuk menguji kemahiran analisis, dan kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis (KBKK). Untuk menjawab soalan ini dengan baik anda harus mahir SEMUA eksperimen yang telah dijalankan di sekolah.

Masa Menjawab: 1 Jam 30 Minit.

Kertas ini dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

Jawab SEMUA soalan di bahagian A.

Jawab SATU soalan di bahagian B.

Jadi, keseluruhan anda perlu menjawab 3 soalan.

Bahagian A

Bahagian A biasanya lebih mudah kerana soalan-soalan memerlukan anda untuk menjawab soalan berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan. Jadi Try SKOR untuk bahagian ini.

Manipulated Variable: Ini adalah variable (pembolehubah) yang anda manipulate (ubah). Pastikan Variable yang anda pilih BOLEH DIUBAH. Jika anda fikir ianya terlalu sukar untuk mengubah variable tersebut, kemungkinan besar itu bukanlah jawapannya.

Responding Variable: Variable ini BERUBAH MENGIKUT manipulated variable. Apabila Manipulated variable berubah ini juga turut berubah.

Fixed Variable: Pembolehubah ini tidak berubah. Ada banyak kemungkinan terdapat lebih dari satu fixed variable dalam satu eksperimen tetapi pilih yang BERKAITAN dengan eksperimen sahaja. (cth: Tanpanya experimen tidak sah).

Memasukkan Data: Masukkan Data mengikut maklumat yang diberikan dengan titik perpuluhan yang betul. Nilai mestilah mengikut sensitiviti alat pengukur. cth: Pembaris meter 2 titik perpuluhan, mikrometer 3 titik perpuluhan dan sebagainya.


Bahagian B bergantung SEPENUHNYA Kepada sejauh mana anda memahami Konsep, Hukum atau Prinsip Fizik yang telah dipelajari.

Jadi, anda mesti faham dan tahu apakah konsep fizik yang diberikan berdasarkan Stimulus / Gambar yang diberikan. Soalan Biasanya akan memberikan satu perenggan soalan atau gambar untuk membantu anda menjawab soalan.

INGAT kertas 3 memerlukan anda me REKA / DESIGN satu eksperimen.

Baca soalan dengan teliti dan pilih soalan yang anda benar-benar YAKIN.

a) Making inference : Tulis berdasarkan apa yang anda lihat dalam soalan atau gambar.
lihat dan beri jawapan anda jangan risau.

b) Making hypothesis: TULIS: as A increases, B increases ( atau sebaliknya bergantung kepada eksperimen).

INGAT! A mestilah manipulated variable dan B sentiasa responding variable. Tulis Manipulated variable dahulu.

c) Outline of the experimen:

Aim of eksperimen: Nyatakan Masalah yang anda ingin selesaikan.

Variables in the eksperimen: 3 variables

Apparatus and MAterials;

Apparatus biasanya bahan2 makmal yang besar dan boleh digunakan berulang kali.

Material biasanya benda2 kecil dan habis pakai.

Arrangement of Apparatus: Lukisan dan Label. Mesti melukis dan label diagram.

Diagram atau lukisan mestilah ada garis ufuk (jangan terawang-awang di udara).
Jangan buat frame atau bingkai, jangan buat ton warna. gunakan hanya satu garisan untuk melukis. jangan tindihkan garisan.

d) Procedure: tulis berdasarkan langkah.

e) Tabulate the data:

Manipulated variable: letakkan nilai yang sepadan dan logik.
Responding variable: tinggalkan kosong (Ingat anda hanya design experimen).

f) Analyzing data: Mesti masukkan nilai mengikut sensitiviti alat pengukur.

g) conclusion: nyatakan sama ada hypothesis diterima atau ditolak. dan nyatakan hypothesis anda.

i) Precaution: Apakah yang mesti anda buat untuk meminimakan ralat. e.g. suhu mesti tetap, voltan mesti tetap dsb.


- Manipulated variable: Paksi- X
- Responding variable: Paksi- Y
- Letakkan untuk yang betul untuk setiap paksi.
- Paksi mesti ada anak panah di hujung.
- Untuk mencari kecerunan, segitiga mestilah lebih daripada 4 cm.
- Skala mesti ditulis di bahagian atas sebelah kanan.
- Mesti ada tajuk graf.
- Mesti ekstrapolasi graf (jika perlu panjangkan graf sehingga memintas paksi-y).

Bahagian A memerlukan anda melukis graf dengan teliti.

Bahagian B hanya memerlukan anda melukis paksi x dan y dengan tajuknya. jangan lukis graf kerana anda tidak ada keputusannya.

Kadangkala anda diminta untuk melukis graf mengikut kehendak soalan dan bukannya mengikut kebiasaan. Ikut Kehendak Soalan!

Oleh itu, BACA soalan dengan teliti.

Kertas 3 tidak lah susah seperti yang anda fikirkan. selagi anda faham dan boleh mengaplikasikan konsep dan nilai fizik dalam diri anda. Ingat: Jadilah pelajar yang bersistematik (bukan skema ya...)



What is Physics?

Physics is the study of natural phenomena and the properties of matter.

There are many fields of study in physics, BUT in SPM you will only be assesed in these topics.

1. Force and Motion.
2. Heat.
3. Light.
4. Waves.
5. Electricity and Electromagnetism.
6. Electronics.
7. Nuclear Physics.

More info visit here


Nota Fizik: TIPS Untuk Menjawab Soalan Kertas 3 Fizik



In paper 3, you are required to design an experiment and answer experiment-related questions.

This is to test your analytical, critical and creative thinking skills. This is also to know how well you apply and understand the physics concept you have learnt. In order to answer well in this paper, you must MASTER ALL the experiments learnt in form 4 and 5. (if not at least half – all the important ones)

Time to answer: 1 Hour 30 seconds.

This paper is divided into 2 sections: Section A and Section B.

Answer ALL questions in Section A.

Answer ONE question only in Section B.

So, You are to answer 3 questions in paper 3.


Section A is usually EASIER to answer because the questions only require you to jot down your answer based on the information given. So try to score in this section.

Manipulated variable: This is the variable that you manipulate. Make sure that the variables you choose CAN BE MANIPULATED. If you think it’s hard to manipulate a variable, then probably it is not the answer.

Responding variable: This Variable RESPONDS ACCORDING to the Manipulated variable as the manipulated variable changes this variable also changes. So choose the one that is likely to become one.

Fixed variable: This variable is FIXED THROUGHOUT the experiment. It does not change. There may be more than one fixed variables in an experiment. Choose one that is the most relevant to the experiment.(aka without it the experiment will not be valid).

Graphs: will be explained in Section B

Fill in Data: fill in the data based on the information given with the correct decimal value. The value must be according to the measuring instrument’s sensitivity.


Section B TOTALLY depends on your understanding on a physical concept, principle, or law. SO you must know all the underlying theories based on the stimulus/ picture given. The questions usually will give only a short paragraph, or pictures to assist you in order to give you the basic idea on how to answer.

Remember Section B wants you to design an EXPERIMENT.

Read Questions Carefully, Choose only the one that you are confident with. (It’s better to answer a little bit on something that you REALLY sure and get marks, rather than writing a long answer on a topic you are in DOUBT and lose all marks).

a) Making Inference: You must write based on what you see in the question. See and give the answer. Don’t worry.

b) Making Hypothesis: You must write: as A increases, B increases.

Remember! A must be Always Manipulated variable, B is always responding variable. You must write A (Manipulated variable) first.

c) Outline of an Experiment:

Aim of the experiment: State the problem/situation you want to solve e.g. to show that the period of a swing of pendulum depends on its length.

Variables in the experiment: 3 variables (Manipulated, Responding, Fixed)

Apparatus and Materials: List ALL apparatus and materials required that you FIND in lab. Don’t put nonsense stuffs.

Arrangement of Apparatus: Diagram and labeling. You must draw and label the diagram.

Diagram must have a baseline. (Jangan terawang-awang di udara).
Diagram MUST NOT have frame. NO color tone. As far as possible, only one line.

d) Procedure: write according to steps.

e) Tabulate the data:
Manipulated Variable: Put sensible value.
Responding variable: Leave empty (Don’t put anyting inside) because you are just designing an experiment. You are not doing it, hence there will be no result. Only predicted result.

Example of how to tabulate your data Manipulated Responding
10g (Leave empty)
20g (Leave empty)
30g (Leave empty)

f) When analyzing data: (Particularly in Section A). You must put the value according to the instrument’s sensitivity.
e.g. when measuring using metre rule 12.1cm, micrometer screw gauge, 12.24 mm.

If there is a condition where there are many decimal places to write down, jot down until you see the difference. Like Below:

Wrong (no changes detected) Correct (changes detected and it make sense)
0.001 0.0012
0.001 0.0014
0.001 0.0013
0.001 0.0016

Graphs: Will be explained soon.

Conclusion: State whether hypothesis accepted or not. E.g. Hypothesis accepted, L increases, T increases.

Precaution: what you must do in the experiment to minimize error. e.g temperature must be constant, voltage must be constant etc.


- Manipulated Variable: X axis.
- Responding Variable: Y axis
- Put the correct units in both axis e.g. (P/ Ncm-2 , 1/V / cm-3).
- Axis must have arrows ( )
- For finding gradient, the triangle must be more than 4 cm.
- Scale always put on top right
- must have topic
- You must extrapolate graph (extend it until u find the value on y-axis)
- Cannot use this scale; 1:3, 1:7

In Section A you will be required to analyze a graph in a more detailed approach. (finding gradient, extrapolate and so on)

In section B where you are required to design an experiment, you DO NOT draw the graph, you just have to draw and label the x and y axis according to their corresponding units.

When you are asked to state the relationship of a graph, the answer will always be: either A DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INDIRECTLY/ INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL only- e.g. D is directly proportional with D. It forms the basis for your conclusion.

Sometimes you are required to draw different axis value, it depends on the question. The question may want you to analyze first before plotting an axis value.

So, READ question carefully.

Paper 3 is not that hard as long as you can apply scientific values and concept in yourself, Remember, just be systematic.